For the last couple of weeks, I have been working on a timeline of what feels like everything that ever happened, but really it is just every piano piece ever written. It puts piano composers starting from Scarlatti all the way to the present in chronological order, and within each composer's entry I've embedded youtube videos and imslp scores of all of their most important works, along with a complete listing of all of their piano works. I've also included a link to each composer's wiki article.
If anyone is interested in accessing this online, please respond through the "contact me" section and I can sell you the password for $15. It's meant to be a study tool for fellow pianists, especially those studying for Piano Literature exams like me!
If anyone is interested in accessing this online, please respond through the "contact me" section and I can sell you the password for $15. It's meant to be a study tool for fellow pianists, especially those studying for Piano Literature exams like me!